Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Career Path Infographic- How to Become a graphic Designer

We were assigned to create an infographic that shows the path we would take to get to the career of our choice related to the CyberARTS program. This is the infographic that i created, showing the path to becoming a successful graphic designer.

I wanted to keep it simple, to make it easy to understand, because some infographics I've seen you have to spend 5 minutes trying to decipher them. I tried to make it as professional as I could to make it look as if it was done by a pro. I tried to make it as visually pleasing as possible by using lots of colours that work well with each other. Also adding the curved line, so that it is more interesting than a straight line.

Something I really like about this piece is how I made it balanced, there may be more on the left side but I think that using the black title on the right side really balanced it out well. For the font I used Helvetica because it is a very clear bold professional looking font, that I thought really suited the overall look of the graph.

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